Sylvia Day
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Between now and the release day of Entwined with You, I’m going to be posting two “snapshots” a week–one on Tuesday and one on Friday. Each snapshot (not to be confused with a snippet or excerpt!) will tie into a chapter in some way. So, two chapter peeks a week, from now until June 4th, which will take us through all the chapters.

Ready? Here’s Chapter One:


Pre-order links here »
See the other Entwined with You previews here »

126 Responses to ENTWINED WITH YOU – Snapshot #1

  1. NBenavidez says:

    OH MY!!! I can see where this is going!!! BREAKING NEWS!!

  2. Me too.. Engagement! 🙂

  3. Star says:

    Totally can see where this snapshot is going!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!

  4. Maria Iraci says:

    I love this!!!! Can’t wait for the next peek!

  5. maybe it’s news about Gideon and Eva being back together?

  6. Edna Roberts says:

    Love the sneak peaks!

  7. Tamara says:

    It wont work!!!

  8. jill says:

    how do u read this?

  9. Oh, there’s nothing to read yet :/

  10. Regiane Reis says:

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!

  11. Debbie says:

    We can’t get this open. What does it say???

  12. Breaking news!! Gideon is arrested?…hope not!

    • Amber Lingley says:

      I hope not, they closed the case because they didn’t have enough evidence against Gideon. Maybe his brother finally snapped?

    • oohhh yeah that s a good one !!

      • Kati from Croatia says:

        What if the detective only said that to Eva to proove that they actually are having a relationship together? Maybe they are watching gideons and evas steps until they find a reason to arrest him?

  13. Is there supposed to be something there? I am not seeing anything but the words chapter-one

  14. Susan says:

    cleared of all charges or suspensions in the death of Nathan Barker

    • Donna says:

      never thought of that could be about them finding no information on the murder so it has been dropped

  15. Lesley Binfield says:

    how could they have gotten engaged in the first chapter when a lot of the snippets are about them sneaking around to see one another ? very intrigued .

  16. Jenna says:

    Not working 🙁

  17. Amber Lingley says:

    Ooooo, maybe engagement???? You’re killing me 🙂

  18. sylvia !! cant se nothing !!

  19. PaulaCook says:

    My guess. Somehow the press found out about what Gideon did to Eva’ former stepbrother and they are ready to reveal it.

  20. Ana CArvalheiro says:

    i cant see anything!!! 🙁

  21. Gwen says:

    Still having problems getting into the link. Ugh!!! 🙁

  22. Kristi Vella says:

    First…Gideon and Eva are back together at the end of the 2nd book. I think it their engagement.

  23. Kerrie says:

    I can’t see anything….. Just a press cover

  24. Rebecca says:

    Love this!!

  25. amanda thompson says:

    Why can’t I see it? There is nothing for me to click on to view chapter 1 🙁

  26. Jandra Birr says:

    My dear, you have way too many fans…..if that’s even a possibility. Website overload. Too much traffic. I miss Gideon so much and now he’s dangling right in front of me and I cannot even view the snippet because others are crowding the coveted space! UGH!!!!!

  27. Christi says:

    I can’t get it to work! HELP

  28. It’s a snap shot of a press release! That’s what you are looking at.

  29. loloskibobo says:

    Are we supposed to be able to see something? I can’t click on the picture, there doesnt seem to be a link attached to it…at least on my end!

  30. karrijo says:

    i cant see you anything! 🙁 it says press entwined with you chapter #1 but there is no where to push to read it :-/

  31. Ooo you tease Sylvia …. news of an engagement? a murder? an arrest? …..

  32. djones1260 says:

    I’m guessing it has something to do with Nathan’s murder investigation being closed because there are no leads.

  33. Cass says:

    i dont see anything …….

  34. Deb Wilmarth says:

    Can’t see anything 🙁

  35. i cant see anything apart from the press thing?!

  36. Fiona Grocott says:

    This is a fun idea – whoever thought of this deserves a massive clap on the back! 😀 xx

  37. I love the idea of picture clues! Now I have to re-read the last book to try to figure them out. Well breaking news and something to sign? Can’t wait.

  38. Archa Dave says:

    Can’t read anything . . . Someone PLEASE PLEASE help 🙁 :

  39. Catreena says:

    I cannot see the snapshot, just the statement saying it is here, but the link doesn’t work.

  40. Carole Barrette says:

    :'( it does not work…I can’t read NOTHING…boo hoo hoo….

  41. Tina Merrill says:

    I cannot see anything

  42. Ladies, it is not a snippet…It’s a snapshot of what to look for in the first chapter. The picture shows a newspaper and a pen. It is not a link to chapter one. We are to look at the picture and think of what is to come in this chapter…

  43. Love it! Super Excited! June can not get here fast enough!

  44. i cant see anything the suspense is killing me!!!

  45. kit says:

    Based on what I can gather from this, Sylvia will be posting pictures twice a week

  46. Nicolepvs says:

    Ok, so the news of Nathan’ death and case being closed is hitting the papers??

  47. tangled fan says:

    I think it might be about the death of her brother .

  48. Cyndi Hauff says:

    this is… worse then the teasing snippets!

  49. So many possibilities. Maybe they are back at the ocean house and doing the crossword on a quiet escape week-end!

  50. A prenup wedding I hope

  51. Michelle says:

    I love it but you’re killing me here Sylvia!

  52. Heidi Hansen says:

    Read the text above the snapshot – it isn’t a snippet or excerpt. It is like a clue…

  53. Front Page…Big Announcement…Breaking News…anticipating,,,,tick, tock, tick, tock…lol

  54. Mrs. Gideon cross says:

    Hmmmm….. I think I get it?

  55. L.K. says:

    Because of the pen they
    are looking for something… maybe a place for cary or a concert venue. You know the old flame is coming back to play a role.

  56. Tracey Sharp says:

    Very clever….. can’t wait for the next one :0)

  57. Daphne Harraway says:

    Cannot wait for the book I have had it on order for months

  58. Love it! Hmmm, trouble for our adorable couple? Or exciting news? I think trouble since it is the PRESS!

  59. Suzanne Stokes says:

    Snippet to read is better! That’s exiting!

  60. CJR says:

    I think it relates to a wedding announcement!!

  61. sfavors says:

    I cannot see anything either.

  62. loma says:

    Why would you do this to me?! Now I won’t be able to wait! I have so many thoughts and scenarios going on, idk what to do with myself lol

  63. Jacinta Kerrigan says:

    I can’t read the snippet? HELP

  64. Mazzpet says:

    This is a fantastic idea gets everyone guessing ok my turn….Announcement of a some kind of business deal.

  65. Sherri says:

    Wow….I get it!!!!! That’s awesome!!!

  66. Gideon's Girl says:

    Could it be about Brett’s interview regarding the Eva song?

  67. Lena Baila says:

    I think the newspaper tells us about the a wedding announcement and the ball pen about the the signatures of their wedding !! I think that in chapter one they are getting married order to continue their future together.

  68. Nancy Hartz says:

    Wedding announcement perhaps???

  69. Nancy Hartz says:

    Or maybe it has something to do with Nathan’s murder/death. Carey’s attack???

  70. Can’t read it….Please help!!!!!!

  71. I’m thinking it has something to do with her brothers death….

  72. Listy says:

    Gosh…sylvia,,you make me crazy…..

  73. read all about it, intriguing…………..

  74. Hadn’t even thought it could do with Brett. Good call. I don’t think it has anything to do with an engagement. I’m thinking something to do with Nathan’s murder.

  75. Kim Williams says:

    BREAKING NEWS: Gideon Cross is no longer a suspect in the killing of Nathan (?).

  76. Michelle says:

    Oh don’t even think that!

  77. Michelle says:

    hmm.. Newspaper, press, article, pen, signing, contract… I don’t think engagement, since the other sneak peeks are of them dating. This one is a tough one.. but I am thinking something along the lines of her brother’s death or some major agreement. Maybe the next clue will be not so tricky.

  78. Lora says:

    Hmmmmmmm…..isn’t that a CROSS pen??

  79. Sarah Rae says:

    Sounds like a possible engagement announcement.

  80. TDaceyM says:

    The pen is used to sign their marriage license.

  81. Navy says:

    I don’t know what is worse the 70 plus days we have to wait for this book, snippets, or now this..snapshot!! gee-sh my heart cant take much more of this!!

  82. Navy says:

    I don’t know what is worse the 70 plus days we have to wait for this book, snippets, or now this..snapshot!! gee-sh my heart cant take much more of this!!

  83. Navy says:

    I don’t know what is worse the 70 plus days we have to wait for this book, snippets, or now this..snapshot!! gee-sh my heart cant take much more of this!!

  84. Navy says:

    I don’t know what is worse the 70 plus days we have to wait for this book, snippets, or now this..snapshot!! gee-sh my heart cant take much more of this!!

  85. Navy says:

    I don’t know what is worse the 70 plus days we have to wait for this book, snippets, or now this..snapshot!! gee-sh my heart cant take much more of this!!

  86. Jennifer nguyen says:

    Chapter 1… so it must be about the death of Nathan. Especially since the seals were broken on what he did to Eva!

  87. Melani says:

    Think it’s their engagement. In snippet #7 we read of Eva and the
    ‘girls’ at the club where she drunk dials Gideon and dances with that
    guy…….could have been her bachelorette party??

  88. CROSSFIRE NAYE says:

    breaking news about Nathan..maybe journalist seen G and eva together somewhere.. Maybe Corrine, or Dr.Lucas went to the press about something. Eva was getting them all upset about G.. Mhmm this is interesting many thoughts running through my brain

  89. Why can’t I see anything? pleas help me

  90. CROSSFIRE NAYE says:

    They are also still secretly seeing each other

  91. Press..Hmmm It could only means an announcement on the New York Time of the engagement of Eva Trammell and Gideon Cross….

  92. Sunset8501 says:

    I know, I know…Headline Mr. Cross is a suspect in a murder of Ex-girlfirend step-brother….OMG I can’t wait!!

  93. em says:

    What if somebody spilled the beans about Gideon being molested as a child???

  94. melissa314 says:

    If Sylvia can release all these snippets and clues why not just release the book? Its just depressing now.

  95. sammi says:

    hey girls just realised myself this is a snapshot ie picture to give us a hint whats to come !!

  96. Steff says:

    I love this idea! It makes me so excited for june! JUNE COME FAST!!!! 😀 I’m not really sure where this is going but we’ll all find out soon 😀

  97. Ed Hunyo says:

    maybe the death of nathan will be in news and Gideon will be associated with it — Gideon and Eva cant go public yet even they reconcile .. can it be june now please my early birthday present

  98. Tanya Mayes says:

    How do you read it? I do not see anything.

  99. tmax says:

    i can’t see anything 🙁

  100. Wen Cast says:

    I can not see where to click 🙁

  101. acappy says:

    Breaking news may be Nathans death or a engagement announcement?

  102. Angie says:

    OMG OMG!!!!!! I think Gideon might have got caught!!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I ant live without my to be husband! Its a newspaper meaning news on the murder!

  103. kirst88 says:

    I think this is about them maby having a suprise engagment and maby the press stiring whether she will sign an pre nup as the pen in the pic must mean something x

  104. their getting married… 🙂 (hoping)

  105. Wandalful says:

    I think the great Dr. Lucas has been exposed for his bad practice. Eva found out he had concealed information which was a crime. Eva threat has been eliminated and now it is time for Gideon to start healing.

  106. It’s just a way to get suckers like us to build up hype for the book!
    I don’t believe for a second that “she was delayed” in getting script to publishers or that people were unhappy about having to wait out the difference in dates between the paperback & eReader version……like I said its just to build hype!
    Think about it, now how many more people know about this book/series than they did before all of this started?!?
    P.S: Even if there was a delay in the release dates between novel & eReader, I’m sure people would wait a few days……..rather than months!
    Also, why can’t they STILL tell us wether or not this is going to be a trilogy…..or if there’s a 4th book to be released? Like I said……building hype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Annoying for the loyal readers who have supported the author from the beginning of her writing career, how about we get some love back?!?
    That’s my opinion, you’ll either agree or not.

  107. It’s just a way to get suckers like us to build up hype for the book release date!
    I don’t believe that “she was delayed” in getting script to the publishers (or if she was… ‘delayed’ can you really get?!?) or that people were sooooooo unhappy about having to wait out the difference in release dates between the paperback & eReader version, that they pushed it back to make sure a,l versions were/are to be released on the same day. I don’t know bout anyone else, but myself being a reader of novels & eBooks, there generally in a few hours, maybe a few DAYS difference in releases if the versions – not 5 bloody months!!!!!!!!……like I said its just to build hype!
    Think about it, now how many more people know about this book/series than they did before all of this started?!?
    P.S: Even if there was a delay in the release dates between novel & eReader, I’m sure people would wait a few days……..rather than months!
    Also, why can’t they STILL tell us wether or not this is going to be a trilogy…..or if there’s a 4th book to be released? Like I said……building hype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Annoying for the loyal readers who have supported the author from the beginning of her writing career, how about we get some love back?!?
    That’s my opinion – you’ll either agree or not.

    Although, I’m sure you know the saying about opinions……but just in case you don’t, here goes – ‘Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has them”! (polite version) lol

  108. It’s just a way to get suckers like us to build up hype for the book release date!
    I don’t believe that “she was delayed” in getting script to the publishers (or if she was… ‘delayed’ can you really get?!?) or that people were sooooooo unhappy about having to wait out the difference in release dates between the paperback & eReader version, that they pushed it back to make sure a,l versions were/are to be released on the same day. I don’t know bout anyone else, but myself being a reader of novels & eBooks, there generally in a few hours, maybe a few DAYS difference in releases if the versions – not 5 bloody months!!!!!!!!……like I said its just to build hype!
    Think about it, now how many more people know about this book/series than they did before all of this started?!?
    P.S: Even if there was a delay in the release dates between novel & eReader versions – I’m sure people would wait those few days……..rather than months! (I know which camp I’m in!!!!!)
    Also, why – STILL – can’t they tell us whether or not this is going to be a trilogy…..or if there’s a 4th book to be released?
    Like I said……building hype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Annoying for the loyal readers who have supported the author from the beginning of her writing career, how about we get some love back?!?
    That’s my opinion – you’ll either agree with me, or not.

  109. Willow Browning says:

    hmm… Breaking News!: Marriage? Arrest? MARRIAGE? I hope it’s marriage 😉

  110. BREAKING NEWS: Mysterious Person Runs Pediatrician Over With Lawn Mower!

  111. lisa says:

    eva put two and two together with Dr lucas that he was the one who examined gideon… what if he was actually the doctor who abused him…? about the right age after all… could be that they have announcement of an engagement… could someone have dug up the connection between eva and brett and golden…? has christopher lost the plot after meeting up with eva…? Has cary done an interview on his attack and modelling career…? or does eva do a crossword on her way to work while angus drives…? soo many possibilities role on june!!! xxx

  112. grovegurl says:

    From the Chapter one excerpt this ties to the reporter that met Eva in her lobby after she left Gideon –

  113. Liz says:

    After reading chapter 1, this snapshot makes sense..

  114. Now that I have read chapter one, I get it.

  115. TParedes says:

    As much as I hate to bring her up..what about Corinne? I hope she is out of the picture!

  116. EvaGideon_Fan says:

    I think that having failed to get Eva to talk to her about Gideon, Deanna Johnson publishes an article to antagonize Eva. She obviously knows about Eva’s past with Brett. In the song Brett wrote about her, he says her name. Whether Deanna knows it’s about Eva, hsrself, making a claim that the song is about her would be a great way to stir the pot. And, what if, she has somehow learned that it was Gideon who beat up Brett in the parking lot. If she were to publish an article about that or threaten Eva with it, that would increase the cops’ suspicion of his involvement in Nathan’s death. It would show he has no qualms about inflicting bodily harm, and has done it with someone associated with Eva – two things that the cops would see are in common if Gideon was Nathan’s perpetrator. If Deanna were to hint at this knowledge to Eva, I think Eva would be forced to deal with Deanna more than she originally wanted.

  117. Bella777 says:

    Maybe the breaking news of the engagement or Corinne’s husband has said some shit about Gideon

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