Frequently Asked Questions
Will I ever be able to buy Butterfly in Frost in non-Kindle ebook format from a vendor other than Amazon?
A: No, never. Butterfly in Frost (specifically in English, Spanish, French, and German languages) is published by Amazon Publishing, which is Amazon’s publishing arm. Amazon Publishing is not the same as self-publishing on Amazon through KDP or KindleUnlimited. It is a publishing house just like any other major publishing house, with one key difference: Amazon Publishing releases the digital editions of their titles only in Kindle format, which is sold exclusively through Amazon’s websites. It is the way Amazon Publishing has published their titles for the past ten years and it is not something Sylvia can control or change. If you see Butterfly in Frost offered as an ebook anywhere other than on Amazon in Kindle format, it is a pirated copy, and should be reported to Sylvia. Pirated copies may include errors, omissions, and/or a completely different story.However, just because it’s only available in Kindle format does not mean you must own an actual Kindle to read it! Simply download the Kindle app onto your device.
Print and audio editions are available outside of Amazon from multiple vendors.