Sylvia Day
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About the Crossfire® 10th Anniversary print edition… When will it become available in ___________?

Have you seen the gorgeous 10th anniversary covers for the Crossfire® Saga? Are you wondering when you can purchase them in print for your personal library…?

Answer: The English-language editions have been updated in all formats worldwide. If you already own the ebooks or digital audiobooks, check your devices and you’ll see that the new covers have replaced the older ones!

For a more detailed answer, keep reading!

The new paperbacks have begun shipping to booksellers and distributors, but they will continue to sell the original covers until their stock is exhausted. This means you may find the new covers in one store but not another and some stores may have a mix of both. It’s also possible you could order the paperbacks online and receive the original covers.

Boxed Sets: In the US & CAN, the boxed sets include only the first four novels because a different publisher publishes the fifth novel. The final book, One with You, will continue to be excluded from the new boxed sets in the US & CA but its cover has been updated to match the series — so all five books form a matched set.

The 10th-anniversary covers have replaced the original covers. The original design has been phased out entirely, and moving forward, only the 10th-anniversary editions will be available, so if you need to complete your original set, hunt them down now! Furthermore, the ISBNs/ASINs won’t change since the text remains the same.

More answers to be found: The Crossfire Saga

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