Sylvia Day
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Will you write another book or novella in the Crossfire Saga?

At this time, another book focused on Gideon and Eva isn’t on my schedule. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but it’s not presently in the works and may be years down the road. That said… All of my books …

When will you complete the Renegade Angels series?

At this time, I don’t know. When I moved One with You to Macmillan, Penguin Random House reverted the rights to the final book in the Renegade Angels series, leaving the third book without a home. It’s the rare occasion …

How can I find out about your events & appearances?

I almost always have events scheduled; I regularly make appearances at libraries, bookstores, conferences, colleges, fan conventions, and other reader-friendly and writer-focused events. Take a look at my Events page to see when and where. If you don’t see anything there, then I’m …

Will I ever be able to buy Butterfly in Frost in non-Kindle ebook format from a vendor other than Amazon?

A: No, never. Butterfly in Frost (specifically in English, Spanish, French, and German languages) is published by Amazon Publishing, which is Amazon’s publishing arm. Amazon Publishing is not the same as self-publishing on Amazon through KDP or KindleUnlimited. It is …

Do you have a page where I can get information for press/media purposes?

Yes! Please visit Sylvia’s Media kit.