Sylvia Day
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When will you complete the Dream Guardians series?

At this time, I don’t know. HarperCollins only contracted the first two books in the series, leaving the third book without a home. It’s the rare occasion when a publishing house completes a series in which the previous installments are with another publisher. Complicating matters is the fact that publishing contracts include clauses that prevent authors from writing books outside of their contracts in varying lengths, genres, formats, etc. In short, I’m legally barred by my existing publishing contracts from working on books outside of those contracts, such as the final orphaned book in the Dream Guardians trilogy. It’s possible that one day I will be without commitments to publishing houses and that would free me to work on older titles, but I don’t know if/when that might be.

I’m very sorry. As a reader, I’ve also been left hanging by authors who’ve either abandoned series or been unable to complete them for myriad reasons. Even though I understand why that happens from a writer’s perspective, I also know it sucks really bad from a reader’s perspective and I apologize.

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More answers to be found: Fantasy, The Dream Guardians® Series

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